Friday 29 May 2009

My favorite technology article

My favorite technology article is my TV, I love it! I got it nine years ago, it is very old, but I like it because it is useful and entertaining. I use my TV for many things like alarm clock in the morning, also when I am bored I watch movies and TV shows and finally I turn it on to stay awake when I am studying in the night. I use it at least six hours a day in the week, and in the weekend I use it all day. I like it because is resistant despite it is old, it has never been broken. I also like it because it can be complemented with other technology articles, like a DVD player and console games like Play Station 2, I love these articles too, but my TV will be always on first place. Without my TV my life would bored and surely I would fall asleep during my study, but in the other hand would make a profitable use of my time.
That would be all for now, see you later, bye bye. Cristian.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I like your TV but I couldnt watch it while I'm studying, I would be too distracted!
    See you, bye bye! :D
